We Need Each Other

Maybe weathering a lifetime of challenges and changes better equips older adults to cope. Such was the thought as the COVID-19 pandemic revealed itself – even as mortality rates rose among those 65 and older – and the resilience of that population was assumed.
But, while minimizing contact by interrupting work, school and social routines proved difficult for everyone – it’s been particularly hard for older adults. Social isolation and loneliness were already known health risks; to that, the pandemic added yet another weighty concern: retirement plans.
As the pandemic stuck around, the Washington Post says in “A Matter of Time,” older adults began to feel “they were losing time.”
Opportunity remains.
Right now, older adults and their families are reassessing how they can move forward to ensure that aging is safe and meaningful. And the life plan community has something to say about that.
Committed to making life simpler to handle, many senior living communities readily found ways for residents to stay connected and to enrich daily life – even during lockdown. For example, Longhorn Village hosted holiday parades, set up outdoor stations for families to visit loved ones and provided outdoor concerts and activities under the tent.
Dining offered both carryout and delivery. The on-campus library, wellness center and woodworking shop remained accessible. And enterprising residents and staff continually found ways to listen, laugh and bridge the distance from residence to residence and heart to heart. Their love for and appreciation of each other has been truly touching.
Visiting is in order.
Life Plan communities continue to provide an appealing alternative to aging in place in the family home. During the pandemic, many have found that these communities offer a safer way for residents to live well. With their wealth of opportunities, rich social lives, the attentiveness of staff and all the services and amenities that reduce hassles and amplify personal freedom, Life Plan communities appear to be an antidote to the pandemic’s intense isolation.
It’s still true that the pandemic has curtailed retirement plans for many families. But it’s also stirred deep conversations about what we need from life and each other.
There’s still time. And setting up a life plan community visit is a spectacularly good idea right now. Go take a look at how a community like Longhorn Village can turn the scene around, replacing isolation with gratifying independence.
Would you like a tour? Call 512.266.5600 or email marketing@longhornvillage.com